My Must-Have Mac Apps as a Developer

Published by Azat Akmyradov

Hello there! Today I'm excited to share with you my top must-have Mac apps as a developer. I know this topic has been covered extensively, but I wanted to offer my personal take on it. Hopefully, you'll discover something new that will help improve your workflow!


Download RunJS (free) RunJS screenshot

This simple app is a lifesaver when I'm experimenting with JavaScript scripts. When I need to manipulate complex strings, I turn to RunJS and enjoy tinkering with it. The interface makes it easy to play with code and gives me a better understanding of how my scripts are working.


Download VSode (free) VSCode screenshot

Every developer's favorite editor, VSCode is a fast and highly customizable tool that I can't live without. I like to keep my editor as minimal as possible without any distractions. I appreciate that VSCode allows me to change everything so I can toggle features like tabs, sidebar, status bar, and minimap on and off whenever I need them.


Download Reeder ($9.99) Reeder screenshot

This no-frills RSS reader helps me stay up to date with news from my favorite authors in the development community. I've been using Reeder for a long time, and it just works. Its simplicity keeps me coming back to their app over and over again.

Color Slurp

Download Color Slurp (free) Color Slurp screenshot

Another simple app that does one job without any hiccups, Color Slurp is my go-to color picker when I'm working on front-end design. It makes it super easy to pick colors I like or need from anywhere.


Download Reactangle (free) Rectangle screenshot

This app is a game-changer for anyone who likes to keep their workspace organized. It helps me manage my windows and keep things tidy on my screen. With its easy-to-use interface and customizable keyboard shortcuts, I can avoid using my mouse and navigate through my apps more efficiently.


Download Warp (free) Warp screenshot

As a web developer, the terminal is my second most-used app after my code editor. While the default terminal that Mac OS provides gets the job done, I prefer to use Warp. It has all the features I need and most importantly, I can create a shortcut to open and hide it anytime I want, making it incredibly convenient to use.

Some useful terminal aliases

Show and Hide hidden files

alias show_files="defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES" alias hide_files="defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO"

Shortcut for Laravel's Artisan command

alias art="php artisan"

git log with some formatting

alias gl="git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit"

This command is my favorite when I want to rollback all the changes I made to the codebase:

alias nah="git reset --hard;git clean -df;"

So there you have it! These are my go-to Mac apps that I can't live without. I hope you find them useful and give them a try!